Hi all
Thanks to everybody who supported or provided feedback on the project. I now realise some errors from the Kickstarter and have cancelled the funding to spend more time on it. We will be creating a Patreon page where people can help us realise this great game and once we have more to show we will try again at a less ambitious size.
Thanks again to everyone that supported us!
Noctis Gaming Team
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Hi all!
We are now live on Kickstarter! Thanks to everyone that has helped us get this far!
Please share the project wherever you can :)
The first 1000 pledgers get free dice and if we get enough support Gav Thorpe will be writing a Drakenheim novel!
Noctis Gaming
We are now live on Kickstarter! Thanks to everyone that has helped us get this far!
Please share the project wherever you can :)
The first 1000 pledgers get free dice and if we get enough support Gav Thorpe will be writing a Drakenheim novel!
Noctis Gaming
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Drakenheim; Emerging Empires - Kickstarter!
Hi everybody!
My name is Tim Wingrove, I am the director of Noctis Gaming Ltd and lead designer of Drakenheim; Emerging Empires. I have been a wargamer for 26 years, 8 of which I have been a blogger and written for 2 successful blogs - Battle Bunnies and Age of Warhammer. I have always enjoyed writing and modifying house rules to make games more fun, balanced and entertaining, so the natural progression was to write my own game.
I have always been a massive fan of fantasy and I have been inspired by books such as: Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, The First Law and Name of the Wind books. I like these settings as they have a gritty realism but still feel fantastical. My aim was to create a game which can be played any way desired - from small RPG or skirmish up to siege battles lasting a whole day. I feel that I have achieved this and I would love to share it with you.
About the rules for Drakenheim:
- Drakenheim is a 20mm tabletop wargame set in the low fantasy world of Mythrandris. Battles are scalable from small warbands all the way up to large sieges.
- The rules have been created to emphasise the importance of strategy, positioning and movement over lucky dice rolls and endless special abilities.
- A key design choice was to make sure the game felt realistic, while remaining fun for both players - this was achieved by having an ‘active and reactive’ approach to gameplay. For example, when an opponent targets your unit you will have decisions and choices to make that will affect the outcome.
- Although the game is designed to be realistic, it also encourages epic showdowns (imagine the legend of George vs the Dragon), where legendary heroes can do the unbelievable.
- Magic is exceptionally powerful.
- The rules will come in both imperial and metric measurements (this will be standardised for competitive or pick up and play games).
- The core rules will forever be free - this also includes unit scout reports.
Here is a look at how indirect archery works in the game: https://drakenheimgame.blogspot.com/2019/05/gameplay-focus-indirect-archery.html
Here is a look at how charging works in the game:
Although the beta rules are complete they will not be available until the start of September - this is because we have a play-testing pledge.
About the setting for Drakenheim:
- Mythrandris is a low technology, low fantasy world with a touch of dark horror.
- In the current timeline, factions are rebuilding and recolonising throughout the lands of Mythrandris.
- As stretch goals we will be fleshing out Drakenheim with a novella from Gav Thorpe and an art sourcebook from a phenomenal artist (who we are not allowed to announce as yet because he is under contract).
About the models and factions for Drakenheim:
- We aim to release at least 12 factions. This Kickstarter is for the first 4.
- Humanoid models stand about 20mm to the eyes. Larger models like the Orgrek and the Minotaurs are around 25mm to the eyes.
- The models will come in multi part plastic kits for customisability.
- Where it makes sense - their will be both male and female models for armies.
- The models have been designed to have areas suitable for block colour (for ease of painting) but to also have nice intricate details.
Here is a look at the Corustir:
Here is a look at the Drek:
Here is a look at the Knight Order:
Here is a look at the Bhur:
Timeline of the Drakenheim Kickstarter:
Early June 2019 - Drakenheim will launch on Kickstarter.
Early July 2019 - Drakenheim will go to pledge manager through Game on Tabletop (if the Kickstarter is successful).
End of August 2019 - Beta testing weekend.
September 2019 - Beta rules released.
May/June 2020 - Pledges to be sent worldwide and rules published online.
May/June 2020 - If the stretch goal is reached we will have 1-3 Drakenheim themed evenings (depending on popularity) including a comedy musical/play in the Drakenheim universe (codename: Beauty and the Beastman lol) - followed by evening entertainment where attendees can get the pledges in person.
The future of Drakenheim:
- We will be creating at least 12 full factions.
- Terrain ranges will be created for each faction.
- A siege expansion and castles will be released.
- A naval expansion and ships will be released.
- An RPG expansion will be released.
- An App that can track club and friend groups empire building will be released! The App will also have a match finder option.
I hope you have enjoyed reading through this project overview. There is more information here at the Drakenheim blog - https://drakenheimgame.blogspot.com/ and you can preview the Kickstarter here -
The first 1000 pledgers get 50 dice for free!
Comment below or drop an email to noctisgamingltd@gmail.com if you have any questions!
Noctis Gaming
Sunday, 2 June 2019
Faction Focus - Bhur
everyone and welcome to the final faction focus.
will be using these articles as an opportunity to have a brief
introduction of the four factions from our first Kickstarter.
we are looking at the Bhur:
are the brutal result of the horrific union between man and beast.
Aggressive, unnaturally strong and with an insatiable anger and
hunger - Bhur are one of the most feared races in Mythrandris.
Lurking in caves, ruins or living in huts made of the flesh and bones
of their victims, they can be found throughout the wild in great
number. Bhur herds can consist of as few as a dozen warriors and as
large as a thousand. When the Bhur go to war it is with rampaging
Minotaurs and the swift and flexible Centaurs. Led by Shamans,
Bulltaurs or Bhurlords the army cares not for riches and gold but
only for food, pleasure and sport. They pillage from those they
destroy and create the next generation of the herd in rapturous flesh
carnivals. Of all the sentient races in Mythrandris, Bhur are one of
the least likely to ally or create pacts with others - but it is not
entirely unheard of.
they play:
are a fast and powerful army. They are a highly mobile force that can
cause tremendous damage to a slow or unprepared foe. However, against
a well armoured or prepared opposition, the Bhur direct their massive
kin the Minotaurs who can bull-charge the sturdiest defence,
occupying them long enough for centaurs to flank and assault from
behind. The shamans unleash devastating spells in the form of
plagues, disease and decay whilst using more natural spells to boost
their own warriors.
have made the decision to have male and female versions of the Bhur
across the whole range. The weapons of the Bhur are crude yet
effective while the armour is minimal and creates a feral image - as
the Bhur rely on their thick hide for protection. The troop unit will
come with dual melee weapons, while the elite unit will come with an
imposing two-handed weapon that will be very effective against groups
of opposition and heavier units. Minotaurs, which will be even more
intimidating and effective then the elite champions, are also
equipped with deadly double handed melee weapons and will stand at 25mm to the eyes. The cavalry unit
will be Centaurs, which will be equipped with various weapons
including a short bow option.
This Minotaur is shown with dual-wield weapons but the finished unit will have two handed weapons:
an add-on, pledgers will be able to buy mages and warlords which will
come in male and female variants, in Bhur (Bhurlord), Minotaur
(Bulltaur) and Centaur designs - depending on popularity, these may
end up as high quality resin.
detailed above, Bhur tend to be more nomadic – living out of tents,
huts or just in the wild. This makes them very similar to Drek in
this regard. Although we have the intention to create a full range of
Bhur terrain – we would like to include our pledgers in the
decision making process for this and we will listen to feedback once
we are in a position to do so.
the future:
the future we would like to add:
- a feral pack unit.
- siege units ( both attacking and defending).
- A full range of terrain.
- Naval ships of varying sizes.
was the last faction focus for this Kickstarter. We have another
eight factions that we want to release so we really hope that you
have seen something to support in this project.
direct any questions to Noctisgamingltd@gmail.com or comment below!
Friday, 31 May 2019
Gameplay Focus - Charging!
to our second gameplay post! Today we are going to be briefly looking at how charging works.
loves a good charge, whether it is the English and the Scottish in
Braveheart or the Orcs and Goblins charging against the Last Alliance
of men and elves in Lord of the Rings - it is always a brutal and
bloody affair. We have aimed to make Drakenheim feel like this –
with troops that receive a charge being hit very hard. It is a very
cool mechanic and a well placed and timed charge can completely
change the battle (especially if the charging unit is cavalry). Lets
take a look at how it works:
Here are two units of enemies - red are Corustir and green are Drek:
The Drek controlling player chooses to charge in the momentum phase and he measures to see how far his unit can go. This diagram shows that the Drek at the front of the unit can break through 2-3 lines of the Corustir unit:
The front Drek move in a straight line towards the chosen targets. As they are covering clear ground the first model they hit is wounded on a 3+:
For models that reached the maximum length of their charge or were unsuccessful in killing their target, the charge ends at this point and they are now considered to be in combat. Models that killed their target and had distance left get to move to the next opponent - however momentum will have slowed and it will now be harder to wound the second Corustir:
Same again - for models that reached the maximum length of their charge or were unsuccessful in killing their target, the charge ends at this point and they are now considered to be in combat. Models that killed their target and had distance left get to move to the next opponent - however momentum will have slowed even further and it will now be even harder to wound the next Corustir:
The wound role is failed and the Drek is now considered to be in combat;
The Drek at the back can now perform their charges, mopping up stragglers that the front models didn't or moving up so that they are considered to be in the combat:
The charge is complete and both units are considered to be in combat:
is a very brief look at how charging works, in the full
rules there are factors like weather conditions, commander orders and
reactionary skills from the defending unit (like covering up with
shields, counter charging or falling back - although these will all have their own pros and cons). We hope that the example is clear and that you can get a feel of the gameplay mechanic.
you have any questions please comment below or email us at
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Faction Focus - Knight Order
Hello everyone and welcome to the third faction focus.
will be using these articles as an opportunity to have a brief
introduction of the four factions from our first Kickstarter.
we are looking at the Knight Orders:
from various hosts, crusade far and wide across the lands of
Mythrandris. Sometimes they are settled and create vast cities and
townships, protecting the local peasantry for a fee. Self appointed
kings, emperors and lords often install themselves in these newly
formed communities, swelling the Orders numbers with recruits from
the populace. Eventually, part of the Order will form a new crusader
host and will move on from the original. Most often this is done with
well-wishing and vows of brotherhood and fealty, but on some
occasions the parting is fuelled by disagreement and hatred - sworn
enemies are born in these circumstances. Yet other crusader hosts
live as nomads, off the land and out of tents. It is unknown how many
Knight Orders there are active in Mythrandris. The purpose of the
different Orders are as varied as their origins, some are seeking
treasures of ages past while others are determined to rid the world
of magic-wielders and yet others have no reason to exist other than
to support the community they now call home.
they play:
Orders are a solid all-round faction. They do nothing poorly but
neither do they excel at anything. Their main strength lays in Empire
building, where they are second to none. Magic is mainly wielded for
buffing or as crowd control but higher tier wizards have the ability
to call on some nice offensive spells too.
Knight aesthetic is very regimented and the models are about 20mm to
the eyes – they will come in male and female options. The weapons
are clean and well developed, the armour is fairly plain but with
small flourishes. The troop unit will come with options for sword or
spear and shield option – the latter of which can also be used to
replace a model that loses their mount. The elite unit has a
different helmet, slightly more detail and a two-handed sword that is
effective against groups of people and heavier units. The archery
unit is equipped with a longbow and small blade at their belt for
close combat. The cavalry unit come on horseback and are equipped
with spear and shield options, although the troop swords will also be
able to be swapped in.
an add-on, pledgers will be able to buy mages and warlords which will
come in male and female variants, mounted and on foot - depending on
popularity, these may end up as high quality resin.
As another add-on - we will provide a custom transfer service for the shields.
settlements have a medieval aesthetic – we wanted the architect to
be instantly recognisable and relatable but also a realistic scale
and have fully developed interiors. The renders below show a medium/
large dwelling in both ruined and complete forms. We aim to have a
large range of terrain – just like the Corustir – like a tavern,
Blacksmith and merchant shop as well as small, medium and large
dwellings. If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact us
the future:
the future we would like to add:
- a cold weather unit with furs to protect from adverse climate conditions.
- siege units (both attacking and defending).
- a full range of terrain.
- naval ships of varying sizes.
our next faction focus we will be taking a look at the Bhur. Check
back soon!
Monday, 27 May 2019
Faction Focus - Drek
everyone and welcome to the second faction focus.
will be using these articles as an opportunity to have a brief
introduction of the four factions from our first Kickstarter.
we are looking at the Drek:
was once the slave name that man gave to the Orc. It was originally a
derogatory term to desensitise populations against the race. The name
Drek has now been reclaimed and is worn as a 'badge of pride' by
every Orc warband and society in Mythrandris. Drek are – wrongly –
assumed to be big, stupid berserkers with no wit, however there are increasingly more instances of whole societies – both nomadic and settled. They
are tremendous miners of ore and other precious materials due to
their sheer strength and endurance, making them highly sought after
clients by many of the bigger trade guilds. No civilised race comes
close to them in terms of mass or brute might and they are an
incredible foe to behold. Some warbands have gone totally feral and
live to fight among themselves and the other races. However, more
than once an elven hamlet or a human town has been under siege when a
Drek warband has come and saved the populace. Orgrek (enormous half
ogres) often follow Drek into battle, using their superior size to
batter their opponent. Although much more dense than their half-kin,
Orgrek prove to be obedient and capable warriors for a Drek army.
Large warboars have been bred to carry the Drek to war as quickly as
their powerful legs can carry them – unleashing brutal charges upon
smaller infantry units that find themselves impaled on vicious horns
or hacked down by the powerful riders.
they play:
are a tough opposition for lesser armies. A human soldier would have
more attacks but Drek have the far greater power. Only the Corustir
would struggle against the Drek numerically and even they would have
a hard battle in store. Orgrek are phenomenal foes which can
devastate buildings and walls as easily as the ranks of lesser
warriors. Drek shamans use many different types of spells but their
magic is always brutal to their foe.
Drek aesthetic is a very powerful and muscular look and the models
are about 22mm to the eyes. The weapons are crude and the armour
primitive. The troop unit will come with options for dual wielding or
melee and shield option – the latter of which can also be used to
replace cavalry models that lose their mount. The elite unit comes in heavier
armour and use enormous two handed weapons to cleave through the foe.
Orgrek are even bigger than the Drek, coming in at around 25mm to the
eyes. Orgrek come with large two handed weapons and are optimised for
cutting through heavier units, units with shields or even breaking
down terrain. The cavalry unit come on giant boars and they
specialise in a melee and shield loadout.
an add-on, pledgers will be able to buy shamans and warlords which
will come in Drek and Orgrek variants, mounted (Drek) and on foot -
depending on popularity, these may end up as high quality resin.
Drek tend to be more nomadic – living out of tents, huts or just in
the wild. When Drek do settle, it is usually in the crudely repaired
ruins of a conquered societies. Although we have the intention to
create a full range of Drek terrain – we would like to include our
pledgers in the decision making process for this.
the future:
the future we would like to add:
- a cold weather unit with furs to protect from adverse climate conditions.
- siege units (both attacking and defending).
- a full range of terrain.
- naval ships of varying sizes.
our next faction focus we will be taking a look at the Knight Orders.
Check back soon!
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Drakenheim Kickstarter Cancelled
Hi all Thanks to everybody who supported or provided feedback on the project. I now realise some errors from the Kickstarter and have canc...
Hello everyone and welcome to the final faction focus. We will be using these articles as an opportunity to have a brief introduct...
Hello everybody! Welcome to our first gameplay post! Today we are going to be briefly looking how 'indirect' archery works. ...
Hello everybody! Welcome to our second gameplay post! Today we are going to be briefly looking at how charging works. Everybody...